ART 9/14 – 9/15: Form
We will discuss the following:
Form Slideshow and Notes
TAKE NOTES during class discussions. You will submit notes for credit each week. If you are absent, you must watch the Zoom video to get the notes.
If you were absent to any of the meetings this week, go to Google Classroom, where the recorded meetings have been posted under Classwork>Recorded Zoom Meetings.
Share Google Arts and Culture Assignment.– Share your favorite artwork and discuss how it uses TEXTURE or SHAPE
Form Slideshow and Notes
Form activities during class:
Find an an organic form in your home
Find a geometric form in your home
Draw a circle and turn it into a sphere
Trace your hand and add shading to turn it into a form
Notes are due on Friday 9/18. You should have notes for each of the following topics. If you missed these notes, find the slideshows on the Elements of Art unit:
Value (Notes coming next class meeting)
Google Arts and Culture Assignment 2. Is due TODAY
Create a gallery that contains 5 examples of TEXTURE and 5 examples of SHAPE.
Take a Screenshot, put in a Google document in the Turn In folder for your class.
Copy your gallery link and place on top of the document.
Put your name, date, and period o nthe top left.
Name the file pd_last_first_textureline.
Your Digital Portfolio is past due. Turn in our address on this spreadsheet. Find your period on the bottom of the spreadsheet, then find your name.
Link to the Turn In folder.
Tutorial Videos on how to use Google Arts and Culture