ART 11/09 – 11/10: Mandala Introduction
We will discuss the following:
What is a mandala
How to prepare a circle for a mandala
TAKE NOTES during class discussions. You will submit notes for credit each week. If you are absent, you must watch the Zoom video to get the notes.
If you were absent to any of the meetings this week, go to Google Classroom, where the recorded meetings have been posted under Classwork>Recorded Zoom Meetings.
Grab art kits 1 and 2. You will need the color wheel, ruler, carbon paper, and a pencil
Create a circular grid with 16 – 24 sections and at least two inner circles
Mandala examples from past students
Steps to making a mandala by hand
Step One: Create a circular grid
How to create a circle
How to divide a circle into equal parts
How to create a circular grid
Finish creating your circle with 16- 24 divisions and at least two inner circles. Watch the videos linked above for help. An example of the grid is below. due 11/12
Create the following scales in your notebook (or on a piece of paper). Turn in your images in Google Classroom under “Tint, Shade, Neutral Colors” Past Due!
Two TINT scales with two different colors (from color to white)
Two SHADE scales with two different colors (from color to black)
four NEUTRAL mixes that show the complementary colors plus their neutral

Link to the Turn In folder.
Fill out the Daily Attendance Form to be counted as present.